Respectable | Teh | Teh | Teh | Teh |
Hesitation | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t |
Frustration | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t |
Recreation | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t |
Destination | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t | t-t-t-t | respectable |
Tay, tay, tay, tay, t-t-t-tay-tay, tay, tay. Take or leave us, only please believe us, we are never gonna be respectable (respectable). Like us, hate us, but you’ll never change us, we are never gonna be respectable (respectable)
“Biggest hit, and the longer album version (5m 43s) of second single is up next – yes, tay-tay-tay-tay tuh-tuh-tuhtuhtuh tay-tay take or leave it, it’s Respectable. This single version of this song is absolutely flawless – it’s so catchy in both verse and chorus, and it’s perfectly understandably a staple of any 80s compilation. The lyrics, vocal samples, and sheer pace of this song – including the cackling laugh, make this one of the most memorable musical moments of the 1980s. Unsurprisingly, it gave them their one and only #1. This album version tries a few different vocal and musical approaches that don’t quite match the quality of the single edit.”